MÉCANUMÉRIC is continuing its development plan (nov. 2017)

After reorganizing its capital structure in 2016, the company is advancing on its next project : the relocating of its head office and production activities on the area Eco2Rieumas at Marssac-sur-Tarn, right next to Albi, with a privileged access to the A68 highway and to Toulouse.

After obtaining a building permit last July, the 35 000 m2 ground has just been acquired by the company. Within a few months, the new building covering 13 000m2 will be built on this area where the whole company teams will be gathered : sales force, research department, production workshop, customers service…

This operation requiring an investment of over 13 million euros (9 million for the building construction and 4 million for the production equipment) should be accompanied by the creation of 80 jobs between the end of 2018 and the end of 2020.

These new human and material means will be the resources enabling MECANUMERIC to double its turnover in the next years.
An innovative and 100% French partnership in additive manufacturing (October, 2021)

An innovative and 100% French partnership in additive manufacturing (October, 2021)

CIRTES at the origin of the digital 3D Pack & Strat® packaging process and INORI, in charge of distribution, has chosen MECANUMERIC...
MÉCANUMÉRIC’s values at the heart of a new presentation video (dec. 2017)

MÉCANUMÉRIC’s values at the heart of a new presentation video (dec. 2017)

Humans, technologies and solutions : 3 words to describe MÉCANUMÉRIC’s DNA. Strong values at the center of the new presentation video of the company, originally communicated at the beginning of December.
MÉCANUMÉRIC and SID Dental : 2 expertises dedicated to the servicing of dental prostheses laboratories (oct. 2017)

MÉCANUMÉRIC and SID Dental : 2 expertises dedicated to the servicing of dental prostheses laboratories (oct. 2017)

MÉCANUMÉRIC, the main french producer of milling machines with numerical control for the dental sector and SID Dental, a major actor in the distribution of materials and equipment for the dental prothetists, just signed a partnership agreement on the
A new design for MÉCANUMÉRIC’s website (Jan. 2018)

A new design for MÉCANUMÉRIC’s website (Jan. 2018)

MÉCANUMÉRIC just set up its new online website dedicated to industry, education and dental stakeholders. Main features : a more refined design, more video contents and a website which can be easily viewed on tablet or smartphone.