MÉCANUMÉRIC actions in favour for a sustainable development (September, 2021)

For almost 30 years, MÉCANUMÉRIC has been committed to preserve the resources of our planet. This is why in recent years the company has stepped up actions to go further in protecting the environment.

The company’s move to its new 13,000 m² factory in 2019 marked an important turning point to its commitment in favour for a sustainable development.

The first step towards the green grow was MÉCANUMÉRIC’s subscription to 2 green contracts with ENGIE (French energy supplier) :

  • A “GAS COMPENSATED CO2” contract that allows the financing of projects meant to avoid CO2 emissions up to those emitted by the company.
  • A “GREEN ELECTRICITY” contract that allows to benefit from a 100% renewable electricity.

Prior to the company’s move, production equipment (oven, cabins, machining centre, etc.) were carefully chosen to optimise internal flows, energy consumption and minimize waste.

All the waste from the production of machines is also sorted, recovered, destroyed or upgraded: cardboard, plastics, aluminium, steel, cast iron, bronze, electric cables, motors, powder paints, wood pallets, used oils, soluble oils, cartridges and toner, cells and batteries, light bulbs and neon ...

Hot drinks are cheaper for employees who use their own cups or mugs and thus avoid the waste of disposable cups - a small gesture, but which is quite important to limit plastic waste.

Other projects are under study within the company:

  • Installation of a composter (cutted grass + organic waste from refectories)
  • Collecting rainwater to fill the tanks of waterjet cutting machines
  • Wood and plastic shredder
  • Compaction of aluminium or steel chips

At the same time and thanks to its design offices (mechanics, electronics and automation), MÉCANUMÉRIC is able to offer exclusive innovations to its customers for the cutting machines that consume less energy and which work for the preservation of the environment:

  • Powerful variable vacuum plate
  • Decantation and filtration of wastewater
  • Suction and filtration of mists ...

Do not hesitate to contact our teams to find out more!

A new design for MÉCANUMÉRIC’s website (Jan. 2018)

A new design for MÉCANUMÉRIC’s website (Jan. 2018)

MÉCANUMÉRIC just set up its new online website dedicated to industry, education and dental stakeholders. Main features : a more refined design, more video contents and a website which can be easily viewed on tablet or smartphone.
Inauguration of the new Mécanuméric factory (Oct 2019)

Inauguration of the new Mécanuméric factory (Oct 2019)

4 months after the company moved to its new premises, the official inauguration took place on October 04, 2019. For this ...
A new design for MÉCANUMÉRIC’s website (Jan. 2018)

A new design for MÉCANUMÉRIC’s website (Jan. 2018)

MÉCANUMÉRIC just set up its new online website dedicated to industry, education and dental stakeholders. Main features : a more refined design, more video contents and a website which can be easily viewed on tablet or smartphone.
BPI France chose MÉCANUMÉRIC for its program « Accélérateur PME » (SME Accelerator) (nov. 2017)

BPI France chose MÉCANUMÉRIC for its program « Accélérateur PME » (SME Accelerator) (nov. 2017)

MÉCANUMÉRIC has just been selected to integrate the 4th promotion of the « Accélérateur PME » (SME accelerator) program by BPI France.